Understanding a Video Hearing in Your Social Security Disability Case
Clients will frequently ask a Lawrence Social Security disability lawyer about video hearings when the case is before the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ).
Your Lawrence Social Security Disability Lawyer Will Explain the Expert Appearing via Video in Your Hearing
There are times that the ALJ will be in one location with the expert and the claimant will be in a different location. Sometimes the expert will be with the claimant. In short, anyone – the expert, claimant’s attorney – can appear via video. It’s up to the ALJ.
Issues Surrounding Video Hearings Your Lawrence Social Security Disability Lawyer Might Face
If you would prefer to have an in-person hearing and your Lawrence Social Security disability lawyer makes the request, the ALJ might be changed. If the ALJ is known as a good judge and could be favorable to your case, making a change is risky.
A video hearing will make it hard for the lawyer to be able to introduce new evidence in a timely fashion. The ALJ will have the exhibit file, and your lawyer won’t have the chance to review them if there is a video hearing. Time to study new information could be a problem for your lawyer in these circumstances.
Speak to an Experienced Lawrence Social Security Disability Attorney
If you have concerns about a video hearing in your case, a Lawrence Social Security disability lawyer can help. Call Gerard A. Palma at 888-295-4955 to discuss your case today.