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April 2014

What is the most common disability mistake?

By Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most common disability mistake?

Should I apply for disability?

If your answers match the ones below, the Social Security Administration (SSA) is likely to award you benefits.

  • Are you gainfully employed? No
  • Do you have a severe impairment? Yes
  • Will your impairment last 12 months or result in death? Yes
  • Does your disability meet one of SSA’s listed impairments? If yes, you qualify. If no …
  • Are you able to work? No

How long do disability appeals take?

When should I apply for disability benefits?

Unless you have an obvious long-term disability, the best time to apply for Social Security disability benefits is 6-9 months after you stop working.

What does a disability lawyer do?

The big-picture answer is: analyze what needs to be proven to win benefits, figure out how to prove it, and gather the necessary evidence. Some of the specific tasks are:

  • Obtain reports from treating doctors that are consistent with Social Security regulations
  • Refer claimants to specialists for additional reports that answer questions raised by Social Security regulations
  • Obtain a vocational expert’s evaluation of the claimant’s ability to work
  • Ask that a prior application for benefits be reopened
  • Seek a waiver of a time limit
  • Request subpoenas to insure the presence of crucial witnesses or documents
  • Advise the claimant on how best to prepare for and testify at the hearing
  • Object to improper evidence or procedures at the hearing
  • Cross-examine adverse witnesses
  • Present a closing statement
  • Submit a written summary of the evidence and argument
  • If the claimant wins, make sure the SSA correctly calculates benefits
  • If the claimant loses, request review of the hearing decision by the Appeals Council

How long will I wait for a disability hearing?

It can take up to two years from request until a hearing is held and a decision issued, but the time varies from state to state.

What are hearings like?

They are private, held in a small conference room, and last an hour or so. You will be asked about your education, training, work experience, symptoms, limitations, and daily activities.

What if I don’t file my disability appeal on time?

If you have not filed your appeal within 65 days of the date on your denial letter, you have to start over with a new claim. That new claim may result in the loss of back benefits.

What is the biggest mistake made by disability applicants?

Because the majority of appeals are granted at a hearing, failing to appeal a denial to the hearing level is the number one error … and unfortunately very common.

More detailed information on these and other common claimant questions is available in the library below.

¿Quién Estará A Dentro De La Sala de Audiencia de Seguro Social?

By Spanish Blogs

¿Quién Estará A Dentro De La Sala de Audiencia de Seguro Social?

Abogado de Incapacidad Lawrence

La Audiencia de Incapacidad del Seguro Social es un evento informal diseñado para poner a gusto. Pero si usted tiene algunas preocupaciones o preguntas sobre la audiencia, usted debe consultar con un abogado de incapacidad con experiencia Lawrence para obtener más información.

Su Abogado de Incapacidad Lawrence le dirá Donde la Gente está situada en la Sala de Audiencias

Usted y su abogado de incapacidad Lawrence se sentarán junto a la mesa de conferencias. El juez también puede llamar a un testigo o un médico a declarar que también se sentaba en la mesa de conferencias.

El asistente del juez se sentará ya sea en la mesa de conferencias o una pequeña mesa al lado de la mesa de conferencias. El asistente es responsable de usar una computadora para crear un CD-ROM que contiene la grabación de la audiencia.

Los testigos en la Audiencia

Usted puede traer testigos y observadores a la sala de audiencia. Como su abogado de incapacidad Lawrence le recordará, que la audiencia es privada. Nadie fuera del juez, su personal y de los testigos llamados por el juez pueden estar presentes sin su permiso.

Su Abogado de Incapacidad Lawrence explicará que las audiencias del Seguro Social por incapacidad son informales

A diferencia de las audiencias del tribunal, las audiencias de incapacidad del Seguro Social son informales. Fueron diseñados específicamente para ser una experiencia relajada. Tanto la SSA y su abogado de incapacidad Lawrence sabe que va a ser un testigo efectivo si no está inhibido por el miedo o el estrés.

Sin embargo, hay algunos procedimientos formales que deben cumplirse:

  • Usted y todos los testigos tendrán que testificar bajo juramento.
  • Sólo un individuo puede testificar una vez. Esto significa que usted no se le permite solicitar cualquier otra persona en la sala para ayudarle a responder las preguntas, y sus testigos o los amigos no puede interrumpir su testimonio para ayudarle a contestar.

Abogado de incapacidad Lawrence Gerard A. Palma puede ayudarle a solicitar correctamente para beneficios de SSD y prepararse para la audiencia de SSD. Para una consulta inicial gratis, por favor llame a sus oficinas legales hoy al 888-295-4955

Delayed benefits

By After a favorable decision

Delayed Social Security Disability Benefits

When It Takes Too Long for Benefits to Be Paid

If several months after you have been awarded Social Security disability benefits, the benefits still have not been paid to you, there are three ways to approach the problem:

  1. Contact a congressional office. Because Social Security benefit issues come up so often, each Representative and Senator has a staff member who specializes in dealing with the Social Security Administration. A congressional inquiry is often an effective way to speed up payment.
  2. Either you or your attorney can discuss your case with a supervisor at your local Social Security office. The supervisor may contact the payment center to arrange for prompt payment.
  3. Either you or your attorney can send a fax to the payment center. If your case is being paid by the Office of Central Operations (OCO) in Baltimore, fax a letter directly to one of the processing units, which are called modules or “mods.” Modules are assigned according to your Social Security number.

The Social Security Administration recommends that you or your attorney send a fax inquiring about your case if you have not received a Notice of Award within 45 days of the date of the favorable decision on your disability hearing. If there is no response, 45 days after the first fax, send a second fax to the same fax number addressed to the attention of the module manager. Be sure to enclose a copy of the first fax. If there is still no response 45 days after the second fax, send a third fax to the same number addressed to the attention of the Division Program Manager. Enclose copies of earlier faxes. If there is still no response, 45 days later send a fax to the Center for Program Support at 410-966-0715 enclosing copies of all previous correspondence.

If you are under age 55 and your disability case went to federal court, payment will probably be handled at OCO in Baltimore by the Special Appeals and Examining Section (SAES), not one of the regular mods. The SAES telephone number is 410-966-8411, fax 410-966-1998.

If you reside in a foreign country, payment may be handled by the Office of International Operations, which is sometimes referred to as PC 8. The fax number is 410-965-8020.

If you cannot figure out who to contact, try telephoning the Social Security Administration’s Office of Public Inquiries, 410-965-7700.

If your benefits are to be paid by one of the regional payment centers, it usually works best to fax a letter to the payment center. Faxing works better than mailing letters.

If you are receiving disabled adult child’s benefits, payment will be handled by OCO in Baltimoreif your wage earner parent is receiving disability benefits and is under age 55. If your disabled wage earner parent is over age 55 or is retired or deceased, payment is handled by a regional payment center. However, if you are also receiving benefits on your own account, jurisdiction for the entire case may remain with OCO in Baltimore.

Widow(er)’s benefits are paid from regional payment centers. When a widow(er) who is under age 55 is also entitled to benefits on his or her own account, jurisdiction can be split between OCO and one of the regional payment centers. The widow(er) may get a monthly check issued from each location. In these dual entitlement cases, you need to use your deceased spouse’s Social Security number to inquire about your widow(er)’s benefits and your own Social Security Number to inquire about payment based on your own earnings record.

SSI payments are processed by the local Social Security field office. If there is a problem with payment, try to contact the SSI claims representative who is handling the case. If that doesn’t work, contact a supervisor at the field office or the field office manager. If the manager cannot solve the problem, the Social Security Administration recommends that you contact the executive officer in the Social Security Administration regional office.

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