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March 2015

VA and SSA: Lowell Social Security Disability Attorneys Outline What Veterans Need To Know

By English Blogs, Social Security Disability Library

Lowell Social Security Disability AttorneysVA and SSA: Lowell Social Security Disability Attorneys Outline What Veterans Need To Know

There are considerable differences between the way the Veterans Administration and the Social Security Administration handle claims of disability. Since disabled veterans are eligible for both, Lowell Social Security disability attorneys can offer useful advice.

Percentage Of Disability

One major difference between the Social Security Administration and the VA is that the SSA does not recognize a percentage of disability. In other words, you cannot be 10%, 40% or 99% disabled under SSA disability rules. You are either disabled or you aren’t. The VA does recognize these percentages and assigns benefits accordingly.

You Must Be Proactive

If you are a disabled veteran pursuing a Social Security disability claim, it is best that you obtain your medical records yourself rather than depending on the Veterans Administration to release them to the SSA, since the VA does not always do this readily. You should also submit duplicates of your medical records, rather than the originals, to the SSA. It is not unheard of for records to be mislaid, misfiled or lost, so keep your originals secure.

Counsel from Lowell Social Security Disability Attorneys

While you may certainly pursue your claim on your own, legal counsel will be important to you if your initial claim is refused. You have the right to appeal your case to an administrative law judge, and an attorney experienced in Social Security disability cases will be helpful to you at your hearing. Your attorney will assist you in preparation and will be with you during the procedures.

We Work For You

At the Palma Law Offices, P.C., Lowell Social Security disability attorneys are standing by to assist you with your Social Security disability claim. Contact us at (888) 295-4955 for a free consultation today.

Trabajo Relevante Definido

By Spanish Blogs

Trabajo Relevante Definido

un Abogado de Incapacidad en Lowell gavel stethoscope Poder hacer trabajo relevante del pasado, es uno de los criterios centrales que determina su elegibilidad para los beneficios de incapacidad del Seguro Social. Abajo, un abogado de Incapacidad en Lowell explica lo que esto conlleva.

Existen requisitos específicos que un trabajo debe cumplir para ser considerado “trabajo relevante del pasado,” bajo las reglas del Seguro Social. Un puesto de trabajo que cumpla con este criterio es aquella en la que:

  • Haber trabajado durante los últimos quince años. Si usted estaba recibiendo beneficios de Seguro Social y ha expirado su situación, trabajo anterior relevante es trabajo que usted hizo dentro de los quince años, antes de su última fecha de su estado de incapacidad del Seguro Social.


  • Haber trabajado durante un período suficientemente largo para aprender las habilidades necesarias para realizar el trabajo correctamente.


  • Se les pagaba un salario suficiente de tal manera que el trabajo era considerado “trabajo sustancial y lucrativo.” Una posición puede ser considerado trabajo sustancial y lucrativo, independientemente de si es a tiempo completo o a tiempo parcial, y si los salarios cumplen los requisitos.

Lo Que Esto Significa para Usted

Lo que usted y su abogado encaran, es establecer que usted ya no es capaz de completar las tareas requeridas por el trabajo menos exigente que usted llevó a cabo durante los últimos quince años, según los criterios que se muestran arriba. Si su puesto de trabajo está todavía abierto, un trabajo similar está disponible, o ese tipo de trabajo se puede encontrar, no es el problema. Usted tiene que demostrar que su debilitación hace que sea imposible para que usted logre los requisitos mínimos del puesto de trabajo, o la probabilidad es que usted no va a ser declarado incapacitado.

Contacte un Abogado de Incapacidad en Lowell

Deje que pongamos nuestra habilidad y experiencia a trabajar para usted. Póngase en contacto con un abogado de incapacidad en Lowell llamando a la oficina legal Palma, al (888) 295-4955 hoy.

A Disability Attorney in Lowell Explains Past Relevant Work

By English Blogs, Social Security Disability Library

disability attorney in lowell balance gavelA Disability Attorney In Lowell Explains Past Relevant Work

Whether or not you are still able to do past relevant work is one of the central criteria that determines your eligibility for Social Security disability benefits. In the paragraphs below, an experienced disability attorney in Lowell explains what this entails.

Past Relevant Work Defined

There are specific requirements that a job must meet in order to be considered “past relevant work” under the SSA’s guidelines. A position that meets this criteria is one in which you:

• Have worked within the previous fifteen years. If you were receiving Social Security disability and your status has expired, past relevant work is work you did within the fifteen years before your last date of Social Security disability status.

• Have worked for a sufficiently long period of time to learn the skills necessary to perform the work correctly.

• Were paid sufficient wages such that the job was “substantial gainful activity.” A position can be considered substantial gainful activity regardless of whether it is full-time or part-time if the wages meet the requirements.

What This Means To You

The task facing you and your lawyer is to establish that you are no longer able to complete the tasks required by the least demanding position you held during the last fifteen years according to the criteria shown above. Whether or not the position is still open, similar work is available in the job market or that type of work can be found at all is not the issue. You have to show that your impairment makes it impossible for you to accomplish the minimum requirements of the job, or the probability is that you will not be declared disabled.

Contact Your Disability Attorney in Lowell Today

Let us put our expertise and experience to work for you. Contact your disability attorney in Lowell by calling the Palma Law Offices, PC at (888) 295-4955 today.

Lowell Disability Attorneys Discusses Inflammatory Bowel Disease

By English Blogs, Social Security Disability Library

gavel stethoscope Lowell Disability AttorneysLowell Disability Attorneys Discusses Inflammatory Bowel Disease

If you suffer from inflammatory bowel disease or irritable bowel syndrome, Lowell disability attorneys may be able to help you prepare for your Social Security disability hearing. Although these conditions are among the most common digestive ailments in disability claims, they present unique challenges to successful disability appeals. With bowel disease, it is often the symptoms, rather than the disease itself, that interfere with employment. Bowel disease can be extremely debilitating and often results in time away from work due to various digestive and intestinal symptoms that force patients to spend extended time in or near a bathroom. These symptoms can be embarrassing as well as uncomfortable, leading many sufferers to avoid disclosing or documenting the symptoms of their condition. However, the Social Security Administration relies heavily on medical documentation of an inability to work. This legal standard can make it difficult to show that your specific condition prevents you from working. Lowell disability attorneys can help you understand the relevant rules and can prepare you for your disability hearing. Your lawyer will ask you questions about your physical health and will most likely ask you to gather documentation of your diagnosis and symptoms. You may also be asked, for instance, to calculate the number of days you were unable to work in the past year due to your medical condition. You may expedite some of these requests by preparing a list of your symptoms and a detailed employment history. Your Lowell disability attorneys can use these documents to ask you additional questions and prepare you for your hearing testimony. It can be difficult to navigate a Social Security disability appeal on your own. However, a lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and prepare you adequately for your upcoming hearing.

Contact Lowell Disability Attorneys

To talk about your inflammatory bowel disease with our Lowell disability attorneys, call Palma Law Offices, PC, at (888) 295-4955.

Abogados de Lowell Especialistas en Incapacidad Hablan Sobre la Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal

By Social Security Disability Library, Spanish Blogs

Abogados de Lowell Especialistas en Incapacidad Hablan Sobre la Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal

Abogados de Lowell Especialistas en Incapacidad applicacionSi usted sufre de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal o síndrome de intestino irritable, los abogados de Lowell especialistas en incapacidad pueden ayudarle a prepararse para la vista sobre incapacidad con el Seguro Social. Aunque estas condiciones se encuentran entre las enfermedades digestivas más comunes en las reclamaciones de incapacidad, presentan unos desafíos únicos cuando se solicitan beneficios por incapacidad. En casos de enfermedades del intestino, con frecuencia son los síntomas y no la propia enfermedad, los que interfieren con el empleo. Una enfermedad intestinal puede ser extremadamente debilitante y a menudo resulta en tiempo fuera del trabajo debido a diversos síntomas digestivos e intestinales que obligan a los pacientes a pasar mucho tiempo en o cerca de un baño. Estos síntomas pueden ser tanto embarazosos como incómodos, lo que lleva a muchos enfermos a no divulgar o documentar los síntomas de su condición. Sin embargo, la Administración del Seguro Social basa sus decisiones principalmente en la documentación médica sobre la incapacidad para trabajar. Esta norma legal puede hacer que sea difícil demostrar que su condición específica le impide trabajar. Los abogados de Lowell especialistas en incapacidad pueden ayudarle a entender las normas relevantes de manera que usted pueda prepararse para su vista sobre incapacidad. Su abogado le hará preguntas acerca de su salud física y probablemente le pedirá que documente su diagnóstico y síntomas. Además se le podría pedir, por ejemplo, que calcule el número de días que no pudo trabajar durante el último año debido a su condición médica. Usted puede adelantar algunos de estos pasos si prepara una lista de sus síntomas y un historial de empleo detallado. Sus abogados de Lowell especialistas en incapacidad pueden usar estos documentos para hacerle preguntas adicionales y prepararle para su vista testimonial. Puede ser difícil que por su propia cuenta tenga éxito en su solicitud de beneficios por incapacidad del Seguro Social. Sin embargo, un abogado puede ayudarle a entender sus derechos legales y prepararse adecuadamente para su próxima vista.

Póngase en contacto con los Abogados de Lowell Especialistas en Incapacidad

Para hablar de su enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal con nuestros abogados de Lowell especialistas en incapacidad, llame a Palma Law Offices, PC, al (888) 295-4955.

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