A Qualified Lowell Disability Attorney Discusses Payments
A Lowell disability attorney can provide guidance when it is taking too long for your Social Security disability benefits to be paid.
Dealing with a Delay in Receiving Benefits
Your Lowell disability attorney will tell you that you have three options when it is taking too long to receive your Social Security disability payments. They are:
- Call your local political representative. Your local representative will have someone whose specialty is to deal with the Social Security Administration.
- Speak to a supervisor at the Social Security office in your area. This can expedite the payment if the supervisor contacts the payment center.
- Have your lawyer send a message to the payment center via fax. When you are receiving payment from the Office of Central Operations (OCO) located in Baltimore, a letter can be faxed straight to the processing units, also known as modules or “mods” for short.
Recommendations from the SSA Regarding Notice of Award
If you have not gotten a Notice of Award within 45 days of the date in which you received a decision in your favor, you or your lawyer should fax the SSA to inquire about the case. In the event that they do not reply within the next 45 days, send another fax to the same number and make sure that it is addressed to the module manager. Should there be no response within 45 days of the second message, send a third message and address it to the Division Program Manager. If there is no response to the third fax, wait 45 days and send a fourth fax to 410-966-0715 to contact the Center for Program Support. As always, make sure there are copies of all faxes.
Contact a Qualified Lowell Disability Attorney
If you have not received your benefits in a timely fashion, call (888) 295-4955 to speak to a Lowell disability attorney at the Palma Law Offices, PC today.